Welcome! This Submittable account accepts submissions for our family of journals Right Hand Pointing, One Sentence Poems, Unbroken Journal, Unlost Journal, and first frost.  Be sure to select the correct category.

Thanks. If you need anything, email Dale at dalewisely@gmail.com.

Thanks for your interest in publishing your work with Right Hand Pointing.

Please see the following link for our full guidelines:


We publish quarterly and observe 6-week reading periods. 

November 1-December 15 for our January 15 issue

February 1-March 15 for April 15 issue

May 1-June 15 for July 15 issue

August 1- September 15 for Oct 15 issue

Please join our mailing list at http://bit.ly/SmXylQ

Include a brief bio in the 3rd person and no more than 50 words. Rather than a comprehensive list of publications, give us a few of the most recent.  



Your Editors

Thanks for your interest in publishing your work with Right Hand Pointing.

Please see the following link for our full guidelines:


We publish quarterly and observe 6-week reading periods. 

  • November 1-December 15 for our January 15 issue
  • February 1-March 15 for April 15 issue
  • May 1-June 15 for July 15 issue
  • August 1- September 15 for Oct 15 issue

Please join our mailing list at http://bit.ly/SmXylQ

Include a brief bio in the 3rd person and no more than 50 words. Rather than a comprehensive list of publications, give us a few of the most recent.  



Your Editors

We read 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off. Here's our current schedule.

We accept submissions:

  • Nov 1 - Dec 15 for our January issue
  • Feb 1 - Mar 15 for our April issue
  • May 1 - Jun 15 for our July issue
  • Aug 1 - Sep 15 for our October issue.

Unbroken is a quarterly online journal that seeks to showcase prose poems, both from established and emerging voices. We desire to give the block, the paragraph, the unlineated prose, a new place to play. Or to crash on the couch for a while after breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

We seek prose poems. We do not publish lined poetry. Our strong preference is for a single block of text, maybe two, per piece. More than that, we start arguing about whether it's a prose poem! Don't make us argue. Some of our editors are already dangerous.

To get some idea of the kind of content we like, check out current and past issues. 

The editors of Unbroken seek prose poems that transcend the boundaries of conventional storytelling. Of course, we believe that submissions should be coherent and intelligible, but also that coherence can be achieved through style, tone, imagery, and even transgressive methods. Linear narratives with predictable situations and language will be discounted. We want prose that smolders in the ditch. We want it to cry. Maybe laugh at inappropriate times. We want it to knock on our doors in the middle of the night and demand to be let in, fed, given black coffee, and assured that life isn’t completely insane. We want prose poems that have been fired from multiple jobs and have gaps in their resumes that cause them to perspire in interviews. Poems that listened to “Venus in Furs” daily for the entire year of 1993. We want poems that are the perfect carrot cake at your aunt’s house. We want poems that need extensive dental work because of unfortunate incidents outside bars in Phoenix or Indianapolis or Mobile. Finally, we want submission guidelines that don’t read like Dale Wisely got his hands on them.

We read 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off.
In any given reading period, submit no more than 2 pieces. If you submit more than two pieces, only the first two will be read.
We do final acceptances for each issue shortly after the end of each reading period.

We do not accept previously published works (including self-publishing and blogs). Simultaneous submissions are okay (please tell us if it is a simultaneous submission), but please let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

We do not have a rigid word limit, but we tend to favor shorter, punchier pieces. If you send us something that’s more than 500 words, it really needs to sock our hosiery off.

Cover letters are not essential, but please provide a brief (around 50 words) third-person bio in your email. We reserve the right to edit bios.

Do not supply line breaks. We are looking for blocks of text. Hey. We see your right pinky creeping toward that RETURN key. Don't do it! Save yourself! Ok, we are not necessarily opposed to 1 paragraph break but prefer a single block of text. At what point will these guidelines have beaten that point to death?

If your work is accepted, we may fix at our discretion minor grammatical or spelling problems. For anything more involved, you will be contacted for clarification. We are unable to provide feedback on work we do not accept.

We know your rights:
If your work is accepted, you agree to give Unbroken first serial electronic rights to your work and nonexclusive electronic and print rights in perpetuity. This means we can archive your work on our website indefinitely and include it in potential future publications and anthologies. Otherwise, all rights revert to the author upon publication.

If you publish the work elsewhere in the future, we ask that credit be given to Unbroken for first publication.

We cannot pay our contributors at this time. We do, however, promote our authors on social media and through our email list with about 700 subscribers.


Thanks for getting this far!  To know if your work fits with moral injury as our theme, you need to know--if you don't already--what we mean by moral injury.

First, the experience of trauma, no matter how severe, does not necessarily (or even usually) lead to moral injury.

Moral injury occurs in two categories of circumstances. 

In the first, an individual engages in an act that is a transgression of that person’s own moral code and which has serious, even grave consequences. Or, the individual fails to do something when their moral code demanded they act with, again, serious consequences.  In the second category, a person is morally injured by seeing others engage in immoral behavior (with serious consequences). For example, combat military may have seen their colleagues or their superiors do egregious things.

In any case, moral injury occurs when the trauma causes a loss of faith or trust, or even hostility, toward authority, institutions, and even one’s perception of human morality. It has psychological, social,  and spiritual aspects.

The field of moral injury has been applied to combat veterans. Consider a Vietnam veteran who kills a noncombatant. Or who sees his or her own military leaders engage in incompetent, careless, reckless behavior that got people hurt or killed. That doesn’t just cause PTSD. It is an assault on the person’s moral faculties. 

Or consider a police officer whose line of work exposes him regularly to the worst kinds of conduct in human beings.

Another: Someone works for a government child protection office. They also see very bad human behavior, victimization of children, but also work in a system that doesn’t necessarily take good care of children and families.

Another: A driver engages in behavior in their car that distracts them and they cause an accident in which an innocent person is severely injured or killed. Subsequently, the driver realizes they had a moral duty to be attentive when driving and due to their negligence, terrible harm is done.

I have no length guidelines for poems. Previously published work will be considered, as long as we can quickly resolve any permission to reprint issues."  

Questions to me at dalewisely@gmail.com.

Thanks for submitting!  



Ambidextrous Bloodhound Press